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分類 招待講演
著者名 (author) Tomoya Kitani
英文著者名 (author)
編者名 (editor)
編者名 (英文)
キー (key)
表題 (title) An Open Mobile-Sensing-Infrastructure with Connected Motorcycles
表題 (英文)
書籍・会議録表題 (booktitle) The 16th ITS Asia-Pacific Forum
巻数 (volume)
号数 (number)
ページ範囲 (pages)
組織名 (organization) ITS Asia Pacific and ITS Japan
出版元 (publisher)
出版元 (英文)
出版社住所 (address)
刊行月 (month) May
出版年 (year) 2018
採択率 (acceptance)
付加情報 (note) As a Speaker at SPECIAL INTEREST SESSIONS ({SIS02}): The prospective of connected motorcycle
注釈 (annote)
内容梗概 (abstract)
論文電子ファイル Not available.

[10-8]  Tomoya Kitani, ``An Open Mobile-Sensing-Infrastructure with Connected Motorcycles,'' In The 16th ITS Asia-Pacific Forum, May 2018. (As a Speaker at SPECIAL INTEREST SESSIONS ({SIS02}): The prospective of connected motorcycle )

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    editor_e = {},
    title = {An Open Mobile-Sensing-Infrastructure with Connected Motorcycles},
    title_e = {},
    booktitle = {The 16th ITS Asia-Pacific Forum},
    booktitle_e = {},
    volume = {},
    number = {},
    pages = {},
    organization = {ITS Asia Pacific and ITS Japan},
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    month = {May},
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    note = {As a Speaker at SPECIAL INTEREST SESSIONS ({SIS02}): The prospective
    of connected motorcycle },
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