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分類 論文誌
著者名 (author) Hiroyuki Hatano,Tomoya Kitani,Masahiro Fujii,Atsushi Ito,Yu Watanabe,Hironobu Onishi,Toru Aoki
英文著者名 (author)
キー (key)
表題 (title) Positioning Method by Two {GNSS} Satellites and Distance Sensor in Urban Area
表題 (英文)
定期刊行物名 (journal) IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences
定期刊行物名 (英文)
巻数 (volume) E98-A
号数 (number) 1
ページ範囲 (pages) 275-283
刊行月 (month) January
出版年 (year) 2015
Impact Factor (JCR)
付加情報 (note)
注釈 (annote) Online ISSN: 1745-1337
内容梗概 (abstract)
論文電子ファイル Not available.

[0-14]  Hiroyuki Hatano, Tomoya Kitani, Masahiro Fujii, Atsushi Ito, Yu Watanabe, Hironobu Onishi, and Toru Aoki, ``Positioning Method by Two GNSS Satellites and Distance Sensor in Urban Area,'' IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences , vol. E98-A, no. 1, pp. 275-283, January 2015.

    author = {Hiroyuki Hatano and Tomoya Kitani and Masahiro Fujii and Atsushi
    Ito and Yu Watanabe and Hironobu Onishi and Toru Aoki},
    author_e = {},
    title = {Positioning Method by Two {GNSS} Satellites and Distance Sensor in
    Urban Area},
    title_e = {},
    journal = {IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications
    and Computer Sciences },
    journal_e = {},
    volume = {E98-A},
    number = {1},
    pages = {275-283},
    month = {January},
    year = {2015},
    impactfactor = {},
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    annote = {Online ISSN: 1745-1337}

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